Safety Guide

Safety Practices

Committed to implementing best safety practices, Emirates Gas places great emphasis on educating communities on safety tips and taking care of their LPG solutions. While LPG is one of the most common and safest energy sources used for home and business, taking good care and ensuring secure supply is an important practice to maintain.

Essential Safety Tips

Always purchase LPG cylinders from authorized and trusted distributors only.
Always keep your cylinder in an upright position on a firm and leveled surface.

Ensure rubber hoses are fully visible, secure and free from leaks. Replace hoses immediately if you see cracks or signs of wear and tear.
Never keep cylinders in a cellar or unventilated room as LPG is heavier than air and would settle down.
Do not drop the cylinder, lay it on its side or roll it along the ground.
LPG is highly flammable, never smoke near your cylinder or store it near direct heat, a naked flame or other ignition source.
Never check for LPG leaks with naked flames (candles, cigarette lighters, matches, etc).
Do not tamper with the regulator. Ask your Distributor for assistance with installation and replacement.

In the rare event of a leak

Immediately turn off all stoves.
Switch the regulators on all cylinders to the ‘Close’ or ‘Off’ position.
Do not turn electrical appliances on or off, as this may cause sparks. Evacuate everyone from the building.
To check for leaks you can spray the cylinder with a soap solution (you can use diluted washingup liquid).
Incase of Emergency Dial

Police: 999
Civil Defense: 997
Ambulance: 998